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Abacus EZ-Scenery
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Abacus EZ-Scenery

EZ-Scenery allows you to build custom scenery to your FS program
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Abacus EZ-Scenery, add on product to the Flight Simulator 2004, allows you to build custom scenery to your FS program. With the help of this product you can add, move or delete the objects of your choice very easily. The libraries of EZ-Scenery contain hundreds of familiar 3D objects that we see normally around us. These combined with the FS library, which has around 100 unique 3D objects, you can make any scenery you want to create. Once you install the EZ-Scenery, a new “abacus” item is added to the main menu of the Flight Simulator 2004. You can create your own world by starting the FS in slew mode. Select EZ-Scenery menu item and from the dialogs choose 3D objects you want to put into the scene. Once you enter the slew mode you can go to the desired location and then you can drop the objects you have chosen previously to the exact location. You can easily move, reposition and resize the objects so that it will fit nicely to the surrounding objects. This procedure can be repeated if you wish to add more object to the same scenery or in another location of your choice. You can save your scenery in a “.bgl” file and can be shared easily. The "bgl" file tells the Flight Simulator, where to draw the new objects, at an exact geographic location. So that when you fly the very next time, you can fly through your own world. EZ- library manager allows you to create and maintain your own libraries. EZ-Scenery is an easy and convenient tool to make the scenery of your choice quickly and accurately to your FS2004.

RF Senior editor
R. Fernandez
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Review summary


  • Easy add move and drop methods. Availability of large number of familiar 3D objects


  • As an add on product you can use only with FS2004


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